The Basics
The Basics covers a lot of initial functionality in the calculator which will be instrumental to subsequent videos.
- Starting Foundation Size
- Loading Save Into SCIM
- Foundation Direction
- Rotate Foundation
- Undo Action
- Measure
- Spawn Road
- Teleport Player
- Downloading Save From SCIM
- Load Updated Save
Offset Position
Offset Position is where you move objects in the save file, this can help re-locate things you have built.
- Toggle Map Icons
- Measurement Units
- Offset Selected Items Position
Straight Ramp Road and Altitude
Use SCIM to run double ramps, this shows you how to adjust the altitude to hide/show objects.
- Altitude
- Ramp Direction
- Doggy Bag
Blueprints Part 1 - NSEW Foundation Alignment
Now you know the basics, it's time to start building something that you will turn into a blueprint. This video focuses on the importance of North South East West foundation alignment and is pivotal to later steps.
Blueprints Part 2 - Define Your Blueprint
The key thing about creating a blueprint is having a clear understanding of what you want to build. My goal here is making a module of 9 coal generators that are overclocked to 250%, this will produce 1366.2 MW of power and it will be using compacted coal. These modules will then be used as the blueprint I will demonstrate how to paste.
Blueprints Part 3 - Generator + Water Extractor Placement
Specific placement of the coal generators and water extractors is shown in this video.
Blueprints Part 4 - Compacted Coal Assembler Room
The compacted coal for this build will be housed in a room above the water extractors. Some aesthetic tips are also demonstrated here.
Blueprints Part 5 - Pipes, Lifts, Power, Aesthetics
Now it's time to connect everything in the build so it's ready to be turned into a blueprint. More aesthetics are used here, it really helps enhance the build.
Blueprints Part 6 - Creating Blueprint With Symmetry
At this point we are ready to create the blueprint. Some very specific steps are explained here that ensure the object you are defining as a blueprint is symmetrical. This is extremely important to understand as it allows the blueprint to be aligned to existing foundations.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Blueprints Part 7 - Pasting With Foundation Helpers
Foundation Helpers are a feature in the calculator that assist with creating and placing blueprints, alongside with copy and paste. Understanding how these work will make blueprints easy for you.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Blueprints Part 8 - Pasting A Blueprint
How do I paste a blueprint I download from the SCIM website? This video demonstrates this using the blueprint we created in Part 6.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Blueprints Part 9 - Pasting A Blueprint To Original Location
You can paste a blueprint to it's original location, this video shows you how to do this.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Using Pivot To Create Shapes
The Pivot Foundation functionality feature of SCIM allows you to create custom shaped objects which are not easily achievable in the game. In this tutorial you'll see me create a hexagon and then in turn create a honeycomb layout.
- Foundation Direction
- Rotate Foundation By 90⁰
- Spawn Around Foundation - Road
- Pivot Foundation From Top Left
- The blueprint of this honeycomb shape can be downloaded here
Copy Paste Using Foundation Helpers
In the "Using Pivot To Create Shapes" tutorial I created a honeycomb shape. This tutorial will show you how to copy that shape and then paste it at a specific height that you desire.
- Foundation Height
- Copy Items
- Foundation Helpers
- Foundation Rotation
- Paste Items
- The blueprint of this honeycomb shape can be downloaded here
Curved Ramp Road
Ramps can be spawned (up and down) using the road functionality and in addition to this they can also be curved. Combining these techniques you can make some great curving train tracks.
- Starting Foundation
- Hide Layers
- Foundation Rotation
- Spawn Around
- Show Layers
- Measure