Blade Runners
Blade Runners are unlocked in the MAM through the Caterium research tree. These are an essential part of your player kit and is worth obtaining as soon as possible.

The Parachute is unlocked in the MAM and is a great way of descending heights slowly.

Jetpack and Packaged Fuel
The Jetpack is unlocked via the Hub and also requires Alternative Fluid Transport.
Hover Pack - Poles vs Railways
The Hover Pack was introduced in Update 4 and is a piece of equipment that improves player movement by allowing you to fly and hover. The hover pack uses wireless power from poles and railways. This video shows you different techniques for maximising your flying distance.

Gas Mask and Filter
The Gas Mask allows you to go into the poison gas without taking damage.

Hazmat Suit and Filter
The Hazmat Suit is a milestone unlocked in the hub and is used to protect you from Uranium and Radiation.

Coffee Cup
One of the best purchased in the AWESOME Shop and I'll explain why.