Vertical Build Part 1 - Bottom Floor Roof Height
Here I will demonstrate how to build vertically for a copper node making copper products. The first step is determining the height of the bottom floor.
Vertical Build Part 2 - Connect Miner To First Floor
Explaining how to connect the miner on the bottom floor to the first floor.
Vertical Build Part 3 - First Floor, Smelters, Fast Wall Building, Wall Power
On the first floor the smelters are built. Fast wall building is demonstrated and then Wall Power Connectors are used instead of power poles.
Vertical Build Part 4 - Second and Third Floor Planning
Planning how the copper ingots get to the second and third floors. The 1m foundations are great for the roof to separate floors.
Vertical Build Part 5 - Wire and Copper Sheet
Setting up the Wire and Copper Sheet constructors.
Vertical Build Part 6 - Fourth Floor Planning and Storage
A final level for cable will also be created and we will plan for this however before that the storage for wire, copper sheet and cable will be stored on the bottom floor.
Vertical Build Part 7 - Cable, Final Summary
Final floor building cable. A summary of the vertical build brings together the concepts used to allow easy expansion of the building when faster conveyor belts and faster miners become available.
Building With Scale
Here's some thoughts on how you can expand the vertical copper factory using an additional node.
Hyper Tubes
Here I show you how to use Hyper Tubes to scale vertical buildings.
Copper Factory Upgrade Plan
We need to scale up the copper factory as more copper wire is required.
Copper Factory Upgrade Finished
Explaining how the copper factory was upgraded.