MAM - Nutrients

These edibles are found throughout the map and once collected they can be researched in the MAM, this artice covers all aspects of the Nutrients tree in the MAM.

MAM - Nutrients

These edibles are found throughout the map, varying in quantity depending on which biome you are currently in. Beryl nuts and paleberries regrow over time whereas bacon agaric is collected and will not re-grow.

To complete the first stage of research in the MAM you'll need 5 x Beryl Nuts, 2 x Paleberries or 1 x Bacon Agaric.

Once any of these have been researched the next research stage will be available to unlock. Nutritional Processor requires 25 x Modular Frames, 50 x Steel Pipe and 500 Wire. If you want to unlock this research early on in the game, locate drop drop crash sites to locate these parts on the ground, this way you don't have to wait until you've unlocked these technology milestones in the HUB.

When you've researched Nutritional Processor you'll then be able to research Nutritional Inhaler, the last part of the Nutrients research tree. To complete the Nutritional Inhaler research in the MAM you'll need 10 x Beryl Nuts, 4 x Paleberries and 2 x Bacon Agaric.

With all of these researched you'll be able to craft a Medical Inhaler at the Workbench. The Medical Inhaler will restore your health to full, very helpful for when you're battling it out with Alien Megafauna or recovering from fall damage.