The “hard map” … it didn't take long for me to realise I was in the same map as my “Hello World” playthrough and a quick internet search answered my question.
My initial plans for this playthrough was to create production lines based on what was required, playing this way really reinvigorated my interest in the game. At the same time, Satisfactory was becoming more popular and as viewers increased so did my decision to make this my full time streaming game.
I reached a point in this save where I had automated everything in Update 2 and went on to some other playthroughs. While waiting for Update 3 to be released I came back to this save and created a Nuclear Reactor power tower in a hexagon shape, 24 reactors, 6 reactors per floor. Obviously when Update 3 released and fluids were introduced into the game this save become somewhat broken and needed much fixing.
I revisited this save with AlwaysAlly during out Thirsty Thursdays with some elaborate story about how a “Kissing Virus” caused a lot of the machines to require fluids to operate. She built a house for us in the Central Swamp and then I didn't touch this save for quite some time.
In October 2020 I revisited this save to perform a recovery on it. With all the knowledge of the game since Update 3 dropped I embarked on the task of getting the save running again. First task was getting 24 lines of 300 water vertically to all those reactors. Currently it's up to the stage where I have recycled rubber and plastic on the Northern Oil ready to be shipped back to base.
Fun Fact #1: When Satisfactory was released on Steam the background screenshot appeared in both the Epic and Steam stores. It is very humbling to have a screenshot of my creation featured by Coffee Stain Studios.
Fun Fact #2: The SMERKIN 5000 sign with logo was created in this map, a time lapsed video of the sign is used in my Stream Starting and Stream Ending screens.
Save Before Update 3 Release
This is the save file opened just after Update 3 was released and I then saved it. It's basically a broken save with power quickly running out, I think only the fuel generators that have a stack of fuel in them will work for a short while.
Save In Recovery Process
60GW of Nuclear Power, currently up to the stage where I have recycled rubber and plastic on the Northern Oil ready to be shipped back to base.