After I had finished the Loose Deposit Challenge I had a save file with all the technologies unlocked and a crap ton of biomass from chainsawing the swamps and purple forest. While doing the challenge I came up with an idea to build a massive tower rising out of the void near the Grass Fields. While waiting for Update 3 to be released I build this tower and would be the basis for my first Update 3 playthrough once it reached early access.
I took all the parts I collected during the Loose Deposit Challenge and stored them next to the hub located in the small void. I used Personal Storage containers as they can hold a lot more resources in the same footprint compared to an Industrial Storage containers. I also took all the biomass I collected from chainsawing and converted it into coal and then into compacted coal. In total there are 563 Personal Storage containers located next to the hub when I completed this ready for Update 3.
Anthor, creator of Satisfactory Calculator Interactive Map (SCIM) watched me create this build and made several improvements to SCIM that are frequently used features of the map today. These are:
- Creating roads using the spawn method
- Changing the color slot associated with an object
- Creating Polygons (with much Mathematical help from DontPokeJosh)
This is where a joke began, Anthor often added these features when I was like 80% the way through a task. For example each circle I created around the tower was hand painted, until of course he added changing the color slot and I could make that change by bulk by selecting all the walls in the circle using SCIM.
My video called “Foundation Fun” actually demonstrates how I created these circles spiraling the main tower and is still the video I point people to for learning how to create circles.
This map also features the first ever polygon shape (hexagon) created to house the coal generators I planned to use for this build. This was created using SCIM and was somewhat of an exclusive as I created it live when the functionality was added to SCIM. I created a hexagon tower that would house 24 coal generators per level with 6 levels, a total of 144 coal generators. This tower is located north of the Grass Fields in the lake next to the four coal nodes. Little did we realise that coal generators would require water in Update 3 and that added a whole new challenge when Update 3 was released.
All 15 geysers that existed in Update 2 are connected in this map, including the now discontinued geyser that was located in the Dune Desert Oasis.
The final feature I planned in this build was to use sky roads to bring the raw resources back to base. I created all these sky roads stacked vertically going across the Grass Fields which would connect to the different nodes on the map. I also had a secret plan that I didn't reveal until I started playing this map in Update 3. I used standard storage containers to transport resources on these roads with small conveyor belts connecting them. This actually transports the resources quicker as the resource teleports between the input and output of the container. However this teleport method was not the reason why I chose to do it this way, I just thought “this seems like a cool idea, lets give it a go”.
I then shelved this map waiting for Update 3 to become available on Early Access. When it was released the first task I took on was setting up the coal generators on the hexagon water tower. I also decided to continue the biomass > coal > compact coal method I did in preparation and hence these 144 coal generators receive their coal using this method. Oil was then run back in pipes from the West Oil fields, the Purple Mushroom biome in the east and the nodes located north of the Northern Forest in the canyon (neat the geyser).
During the build, the content creator Blastroid along with Bonzman11 created the “Hanninator HQ”. A massively oversized chainsaw which we placed into the map using the SCIM blueprint functionality. The bottom of the chainsaw blade actually stood higher than the unmovable pink trees in Pink Forest, poking fun at Hannah Beuger from Coffee Stain Studios, the level editor and implementer of the unmovable pink trees.
At this point I decided to run nuclear reactors into the Hanninator as well as to create all the rubber and plastic from the polymer resin created in the tower. This required 30 pipes of 300 water to be pumped up quite a height.
This playthrough was also my first attempt at creating a spreadsheet to help plan my requirements for the build, which is also a cornerstone of my building style I employ now and continually evolves.
Due to the massive size of the playthrough at this point (78,000 foundations and 149,000 walls) it meant a save took at least 2 minutes. This along with some other hurdles I faced in this map I decided to shelve it once the nuclear reactors were functioning in the Hanninator. I will not return to the current state of this build, however I may re-start using the building shell of the tower one day in the future.
Looking back at this playthrough and reflecting on it, I began to dislike mega builds and have tended to steer clear of them. I much prefer shorter playthroughs and hence this is the style I employ currently. Although I may do another mega build in the future if the desire arises.
I have had many requests in the past to share this save and I have decided not to, until now. With the release of the https://satisfactory.guru website I am publishing all of my playthroughs for you to explore and enjoy. Below you will find two versions of this save, enjoy.
Return To Circle Tower
I am currently revisiting this playthrough using the Post Update 3.6 save file below as a starting point.
- Save file not available yet
- Build Spreadsheet
Post Update 3.6 (Fluid) - Empty Tower Shell
This is a copy of the save using SCIM and pasted into a clean world. It means the save is smaller because all of the trees and shrubs haven't been cut down. It does mean that there is no HUB placed. Navigate to -3846,257865 to locate a storage container with the HUB part.
Pre Update 3 - Empty Tower Shell
Mega Large Save