Satisfactory Calculator Interactive Map Tutorial Series
Welcome to a tutorial series on the Satisfactory calculator Interactive Map (SCIM). The first couple of videos will teach you the basics of SCIM and then I will go through a specific build of a compacted coal generator setup that will be turned into blueprints. The overall goal is to demonstrate blueprint functionality, this can take some a bit to wrap your head around and hence why I start off with the basics.
Further videos are being added to demonstrate different functionalities, such as pivoting a foundation.

Geothermal Power

Geothermal Generators provide 200MW of FREE power per geyser you place them on.

Fuel Power

Unlocking the Extended Power Infrastructure milestone in the Hub unlocks the Fuel Generator and Fuel Power recipes in the refinery.

Plastic From Crude Oil

Creating plastic from crude oil is one of the most basic recipes.

Spawn Blocker

Prevent creatures from respawning using this nifty technique.

Manufacturer Layout

In this tutorial I demonstrate the design layout I use with Manufacturers.

Oil Processing and Refineries

Unlocking the Oil Processing milestone gives access to the Oil Extractor and the Refinery. I'll explain how Refineries work and how they have dual inputs and outputs and how you need to manage them.

Temporary Plastic and Rubber

This guide shows you how build a temporary setup to generate plastic and rubber.

Critical Infrastructure Power

This article is about the power required to keep the machines running that provide resources to you critical infrastructure, like water extractors and miners.

Space Elevator

The Space Elevator is how you unlock the technology tiers in the game.

Vertical Building - Copper Factory

Here I will demonstrate how to build vertically for a copper node making copper products.

Manual Automation
Manual Automation shows you how to use storage containers for the inputs and outputs of a machine and hence you can fill those containers with materials and parts will automatically be created, all you need to do is top up the containers occasionally.