Horizontal Challenge

Horizontal Challenge

Start Location: Grass Fields

Hours: 208 Hours before Update 4 release.

Vanilla Rating: 100%

Attempting the Horizontal Challenge created by VSBMEZA3.

Engine Update Experimental (Post Update 4)

Engine Update Experimental (Post Update 4)

Start Location: Rocky Desert

Hours: 594

Vanilla Rating: 75%

Testing the engine upgrade in the experimental branch (pre update 4). Nothing overly special in this build, the primary focus is to find bugs (which we found a few).

After Update 4 was released, we continued with this save and build out tiers 7 & 8. 



Start Location: East Swamp

Hours: 360 Before Update 5 Release

Vanilla Rating: 50%

I saw a social media click-bait post that had an aerial photograph of the Hovrinskaya Hospital, that planted the seed of a future playthrough. Yes, I did fall victim of the click-bait.