Spiraling Circle Tower
Starting Location: Grass Fields
Hours: 166 - 465
Vanilla Rating: 0%
This was my first attempt at a mega build, and it was the precursor to my current playing style.

New Years Eve 2019/2020 MEME
Start Location: Dune Desert
Hours: 26 ½
Vanilla Rating: 100%
Lets ring in the new year across the world while creating a MEME playthrough.

Loose Deposit Challenge
Start Location: Grass Fields
Hours: 128
Vanilla Rating: 100%
Ever wondered how far you could get through the game by only using the loose deposit ore rocks in the game?

Random No Crafting Ruleset (RNCR)
Start Location: Northern Forest
Hours: 114
Vanilla Rating: 100%
The RNCR is a playthrough style I developed with AussieMattyC. Basically you cannot manually craft unless absolutely necessary and any decisions are made using the random spin of the wheel.

2nd World
Start Location: Northern Forest
Hours: 400
Vanilla Rating: 75%
My talent at creating unique names for my saves continues into this playthrough. This is when I decided to start again from scratch and try the “hard map”.

Hello World
Start Location: Grass Fields
Hours: 400
Vanilla Rating: 100% (except for the circular storage when deconstructing map)
This is my first playthrough which began when I purchased Satisfactory on April 9th 2019. It was actually the first PC game I ever streamed however I don't have any screenshots from that time.