

There are many vehicles in the game which are highlighted here.

Body Equipment

Body Equipment

These are items that change how you interact with the environment, each one has it's own special purpose.

Coal Power Tutorial

Coal Power Tutorial

Coal power is the first time you use pipes to move fluids in the game. It is the simplest form of automated power (apart from Geothermal) however if you don't set it up correctly you can end up with power outage situations that can be frustrating to resolve.

Medical Inhaler

Medical Inhaler

The medical inhaler will restore you to full health and is unlocked in the MAM.

Critical Infrastructure Power

Critical Infrastructure Power

This article is about the power required to keep the machines running that provide resources to you critical infrastructure, like water extractors and miners.

Lizard Doggo

Lizard Doggo

A Lizard Doggo is an animal in the game that can be tamed, once this has been performed it will provide you with random resources.



There are several weapons in the game that helps you kill the creatures and also clear landscape.

Space Elevator

Space Elevator

The Space Elevator is how you unlock the technology tiers in the game.

Vertical Building - Copper Factory

Vertical Building - Copper Factory

Here I will demonstrate how to build vertically for a copper node making copper products.

Manual Automation

Manual Automation

Manual Automation shows you how to use storage containers for the inputs and outputs of a machine and hence you can fill those containers with materials and parts will automatically be created, all you need to do is top up the containers occasionally.



Caterium is an ore that you need to research in the MAM, it provides many technologies separate to the HUB milestones.

Manifold vs Load Balance

Manifold vs Load Balance

There's lots of debate between which is the better choice, Manifold or Load Balance. This article demonstrates both techniques.