Satisfactory Guru

Welcome to SMERKIN 5000’s website on everything Satisfactory.
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Featured Articles

1.0 Release
1.0 Release

Start Location: Grass Fields

Hours: Current Playthrough

Vanilla Rating: 100%

With the 1.0 release I return to Twitch streaming and begin my 1.0 Satisfactory playthrough. This playthrough may not be as neat as other but it's going to take me a while to learn everything as I haven't played since Update 5.

100% Primed Power Start
100% Primed Power Start

This article shows you how to utilise a tripped power network to allow generators to become saturated before powering on.

Spreadsheet Production Planning
Spreadsheet Production Planning

I use a spreadsheet for planning my production lines in Satisfactory. I do this so I don't spend time during my streams doing maths and running around checking what machines are making what, I personally don't think it makes great viewing. However due to multiple viewer requests I did an impromptu crash course on how I use the spreadsheet and how it helps make decisions. 

Mercer Sphere, Somersloop and S.A.M. Ore Explained
Mercer Sphere, Somersloop and S.A.M. Ore Explained

Everything you need to know but was too afraid to ask.

Most Recent Articles

Nuclear Series
Nuclear Series

In this Nuclear series I will show you how to setup a minimal waste nuclear power build using only base recipes in the game. We'll power 10 Nuclear Power Plants and take the 100 Uranium Waste generated from them to create Plutonium Fuel Rods and send them to the AWESOME Sink.

Battery Factory
Battery Factory

The Aeronautical Engineering milestone introduces the Battery production line. Batteries are primarily used by drones as their fuel source and hence why you need to create a battery factory.

Left Click Macro
Left Click Macro

This video shows you how you can create a macro for your keyboard or mouse that will click the left mouse button very quickly to assist with spamming foundations. While you can certainly do this with mods, some people don't use mods or want to wait until the 1.0 release before trying mods. Also shown is a technique for placing foundations without the hologram rotating.

Chunky Pillars
Chunky Pillars

Another aesthetic technique for the Pillar Middle foundation piece is creating chunky pillars, this video shows you how to easily master this technique.

Must See

Pioneer First Method
Pioneer First Method

How many items per minute of "something" should I make? This is a question I get asked frequently and I respond by explaining my Pioneer First Method.

Overclocking Power Generators
Overclocking Power Generators

Overclocking power generators is a misunderstood concept, however if you're keen to go out and get slugs for the power shards then you can reduce the amount of generators required by 50% for the same amount of power output.

Coal Power Tutorial
Coal Power Tutorial

Coal power is the first time you use pipes to move fluids in the game. It is the simplest form of automated power (apart from Geothermal) however if you don't set it up correctly you can end up with power outage situations that can be frustrating to resolve.

Keyboard and Mouse Mechanics
Keyboard and Mouse Mechanics

There's a lot of different keyboard and mouse mechanics that may not be obviously explained in the game, so lets group them together here.